My Birthday

On the 17th of October was my birthday. I got the Hail Fire from my mum and step dad. And I got the raider. Both from Nerf  I also got a Nerf ammo box for my bullets from my dad.

I also went to the cinema to see hotel Translvania with my friends Stewart and joshua

By World

The Space Jump

Tonight I watched a man called Felix Baumgartner JUMP FROM THE EDGE OF SPACE !

128,000ft to be exact BREAKING 3  WORLD RECORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!

AND BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MEGA WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Most Treasured Possession

My most treasured possession is my monkey.

My monkey is called Charlie. The reason he is my most treasured possession is because my mum gave me him when I was very little.

Charlie has been on lots of adventures ,he has been to wallaces monument and has flown all the way to Canada whitch he needed his  passport  for.

Charlie has lots of outfits some of these include batman and rex from star wars.